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We launched our Evident platform in mid of Jan 2022 for a select group of users with an aim to collect end user feedback. This has helped us in identifying the issues which needed to be resolved for better user experience and making the processes more streamlined.

Below are the main changes we made for improving the Evident platform:

 1. Font Updates

Impacted Pages: Across all pages of Evident 
Reason for Change: Improved readability on all resolution screens
Benefits: We received feedback from our beta testers that the Asset details were not visible clearly on low resolution screens. As such, we have updated the font across platform and used darker version for easier readability.

 2. Header / Footer Updates

Impacted Pages: Header / Footer
Reason for Change: Link Updates for latest information
Benefits: In order to provide most updated details to our end users, we have modified the links in Header and Footer section with most updated pages. Also, we have added a “Coming Soon” pop-up for links which are still in development and will be delivered in future product updates.

 3. Asset Entity Updates

Impacted Pages: Asset Details Page -> Due Diligence Tab
Reason for Change: Legal Information for Asset SPVs more easily accessible
Benefits: When an Asset is created on Evident platform, it might be created in the form of a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV). In our bid for enhancing transparency of Asset details to the Investors, we have added a card in Due Diligence tab of Asset Details Page. This will provide all the relevant Entity Information which has been vetted by our Legal team before publishing to Investors.

As promised, we will continue in our endeavor to improve Evident and make it more reliable, fast and easy-to-use. Stay tuned !